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The membership page displays the membership status and history of the members associated with your club.

Among other information, it also includes – member’s description, membership status, fees, payment method, start date of their membership.

descriptiondisplays the membership plan’s description – Premium, Monthly, Yearly, etc.
statusdisplays the membership’s status – Active, Cancelled, Auto Renew etc.
feesdisplays the specific membership’s fee/payment details – Bi-yearly, Monthly, Yearly, etc.
payment methoddisplays the payment method used by the member to make membership’s payments – Card, Stripe, etc.
start datedisplays the membership’s start date.

Membership history

Add New Membership

If you want to add a new membership plan for a club member, you can do it through Members page/section.

Adding a new membership plan will allow the member to access its features and benefits.

To add a new membership plan, navigate through Organizations > Members > Actions > Membership:

  1. Click on the +Add New Membership option in the Membership History section, it’ll open a new section for adding a new membership plan – New Membership.

    Add New Membership

  2. The New Membership section gives you the following details – Membership (Membership Plan, Subscription Cycle, Apply Discount, Notify User, Pay Later, etc.), Payment (Bank Account, Card on File, Setup Fee, Recurring fee, Application fee, Tax, Membership Plan fee, Discount, Total, etc.)

  3. Select the plan from the Membership Plan and Subscription Cycle from their respective dropdowns.

  4. Click on the Apply Discount option if you want to give some discount to the member’s new membership plan. Select the coupon code from the Discount dropdown.

  5. Check the Notify User box, if you want to notify the user about their new membership plan.

  6. Clicking on Pay Later box will allow the member to pay for the new membership on a later selected date. You can select the trial period’s ending date from the Select End Date selector. (Note: Based on the trial period end date selection, the invoice will be generated on this date.)

  7. Click on Continue once all the required details are filled. It’ll take you to the next section – Payment.

  8. Select the mode of payment (Card, ACH) for automatic payment completion. (In case you have a single payment account connected, it’ll be selected by default.)

  9. Click on Save to finish adding the new membership plan process.

  10. On successful save, you’ll receive a notification about membership’s new status. You can see the new membership plan’s details in the Member > Membership page.

View Member’s Membership Details

Each membership plans the member opts for, generates details about it. You can see details about the member’s membership in the Member > Membership page.

In the Membership page, you’ll see details about member’s membership in the Membership History section.

To view the member’s membership details, navigate through Organizations > Members > Membership:

  1. In the Membership History section, you’ll see details of the member’s membership history from the date they joined the club.

  2. Navigate through the membership details, locate the membership you want to get the details for. Once found, click on View option against the membership, you’ll be redirected to a new page.

    Membership details

  3. In the new page, you get all details of the selected membership. If the membership is cancelled, you’ll get a Cancelled tag in the Membership status row, else, if the membership is active and set to auto-renew, you’ll get an Auto renew tag in the membership row. Lastly, if the membership is active, you’ll get an Active tag in the membership row.

Pause an Active Membership

Any active or auto-renewing membership can be paused due to any reasons.

To pause a member’s active membership, navigate through Organizations > Members > Membership:

  1. In the Membership History section, you’ll see details of the member’s membership history from the date they joined the club.

  2. Navigate through the membership details, locate the active membership you want to pause. Active membership is marked with an Active tag in the Status column.

  3. Click on View or Manage (depending on the memberships status), and you’ll be redirected to a new page.

  4. Click on Pause to pause an active membership. Once clicked, you’ll get a notification on the screen – Pause Subscription, asking whether you want to pause the subscription.

    Pause Member's Membership

  5. Click on Pause to pause the membership (conversly, click on Cancel if you want to return back to the previous page). On successful pause, you’ll receive a notification about membership’s new status.

  • Paused membership’s status changes from Active/Auto-renew to Paused.

  • A paused membership will stop the membership’s automatic renewal.

Resume a Paused Membership

A paused membership can be resumed any moment.

Once the membership is resumed, it’ll start the auto-renewal (if it was selected).

To resume a paused membership, navigate through Organizations > Members > Membership:

  1. In the Membership History section, you’ll see details of the member’s membership history from the date they joined the club.
  2. Navigate through the membership details, locate the active membership you want to resume. A paused membership is marked with a Paused tag in the Status column.
  3. Click on View or Manage (depending on the memberships status), and you’ll be redirected to a new page.
  4. Click on Resume to resume the paused membership plan, you’ll get a notification on the screen – Resume Subscription, asking whether you want to resume the subscription.
  5. Click on Resume to resume the membership (conversly, click on Cancel if you want to return back to the previous page). On successful resume, you’ll receive a notification about membership’s new status.
  • Resumed membership’s status changes from Paused to Active/Auto-renew(if set to Auto-renew).

  • A resumed membership is liable for automatic renewal if it was selected.

Cancel an Active Membership

A member’s active membership can be cancelled at any moment for any reason.

Once cancelled, the member won’t be able to use the club’s member-specific features and options.

To cancel a member’ membership, navigate through Organizations > Members > Membership:

  1. In the Membership History section, you’ll see details of the member’s membership history from the date they joined the club.

  2. Navigate through the membership details, locate the active membership you want to cancel. Active memberships are marked with an Active tag in the Status column.

  3. Click on View or Manage (depending on the memberships status), and you’ll be redirected to a new page.

  4. Click on Cancel Subscription to cancel member's active membership, you’ll get a notification on the screen – Cancel Subscription, asking whether you want to cancel the subscription. (Note: Cancel a membership only when you’re sure about it. This action cannot be undone.)

    Cancel Membership

  5. Click on OK to cancel the membership (conversly, click on Cancel if you want to return back to the previous page). On successful cancellation, you’ll receive a notification about membership’s new status.

  • Cancel a membership only when you’re sure about it. This action cannot be undone.

  • Once a membership is cancelled, a member has to get a fresh membership to enjoy club’s membership benefits and features.

Change an Active Membership’s Payment Details

In case you want to change the payment details of an active membership for any reason, you can do so through the Members > Membership page/section.

To keep a membership active for transactions, you have two payment methods to choose from – Card (credit card), ACH (stripe bank account).

To change an active membership’s payment details, navigate through Organizations > Members > Membership:

  1. In the Membership History section, you’ll see details of the member’s membership history from the date they joined the club.
  2. Navigate through the membership details, locate the active membership you want to change the payment details of. Active memberships are marked with an Active tag in the Status column. (Note: You can only change payment details of active memberships.)
  3. Click on View or Manage (depending on the memberships status), and you’ll be redirected to a new page.
  4. You’ll see primary payment details in the Renewal Payment Method section. To change the primary payment detail, select the payment method of choice from the Renewal Payment Method dropdown – Card, ACH. If you’ve already set a secondary payment method, you won’t have to go through the process of linking your ACH bank account. If not, you’ll have to link your ACH bank account to make the selection.
  5. If there’s more than one payment charging account is linked with the selected payment method, you’ll have to select the desired account from the Automatic Payment will be charged to – section dropdown.
  6. Click on Save after both the selections are made to save the new payment details. On successful save, you’ll receive a notification about membership’s new status.

Changing an active membership plan’s payment method will bind the plan's transaction to be charged from the new payment method.

Change Member’s Membership’s Plan

In case you want to change a member’s active membership plan, you can do so through the Members > Membership page/section.

Changing a member’s active membership plan will also change the benefits and features that comes with the selected active plan (currently active plan).

To change a member’s active membership’s plan, navigate through Organizations > Members > Membership:

  1. In the Membership History section, you’ll see details of the member’s membership history from the date they joined the club.

  2. Navigate through the membership details, locate the active membership you want to change the membership plan of. Active memberships are marked with an Active tag in the Status column.

  3. Click on View or Manage (depending on the memberships status), and you’ll be redirected to a new page.

  4. Click on the Change Plan option, you’ll get a new section – Update Membership, with the following details – Previous Membership Plan, Membership Plan, Subscription Cycle, Apply Discount, Notify User, etc.

    Update Membership

  5. Select the Membership Plan and Subscription Cycle of the plan from respective dropdowns.

  6. Click on Apply Discount option if you want to give some discount to the member’s new membership plan. Select the coupon code from the Discount dropdown.

  7. Check the Notify User box, if you want to notify the user about the change in their membership plan.

  8. You’ll see the primary payment details in the Renewal Payment Method section. To change the primary payment detail, select the payment method of choice from the Renewal Payment Method dropdown – Card, ACH. If you’ve already set a secondary payment method, you won’t have to go through the process of linking your ACH bank account. If not, you’ll have to link your ACH bank account to make the selection.

  9. If there’s more than one payment charging account is linked with the selected payment method, you’ll have to select the desired account from the Automatic Payment will be charged to – section dropdown.

  10. Click on Save after both the selections are made to save the new payment details. On successful save, you’ll receive a notification about member's new membership plan status.


Changing an active membership plan’s payment method will bind the membership transaction to be charged from the new payment method.